
Contact Us
PayPal fizetés
Ezen fizetési mód esetén a PayPal rendszerébe irányítjuk át a vásárlót. Ott használhatja bankkártyáját vagy már meglévő PayPal felhasználóját a számla kiegyenlítésére. A bankkártya adatokat minden esetben a PayPal oldalán kell megadnia, így azok semmilyen körülmények között nem jutnak el a kereskedőhöz. Elfogadott bankkártyák: Visa (egyes Electron kártyák is), EC/MC dombornyomott kártyák.
Ezen fizetési mód esetén a PayPal rendszerébe irányítjuk át a vásárlót. Ott használhatja bankkártyáját vagy már meglévő PayPal felhasználóját a számla kiegyenlítésére. A bankkártya adatokat minden esetben a PayPal oldalán kell megadnia, így azok semmilyen körülmények között nem jutnak el a kereskedőhöz. Elfogadott bankkártyák: Visa (egyes Electron kártyák is), EC/MC dombornyomott kártyák.
Online payment
Simple Online Payment System: Customers using the service may choose the simple and secure payment solutions of Simple for online purchases. In these cases, they may accomplish payments in the accustomed way.
The payment process equals to the payment method in services offered by banks. During the service, Simple transactions are watched in observance of the safety of the user, i.e. the card holder, and help is provided in case of unexpected incidents.

Payment & Delivery


Shipping costs depend on the value of the package and the place of delivery.
Are as follows:


Max. weight of a package is 40 kg.


Shipping costs are always given in the checkout as a part of a total amount to pay.

Methods of payment:

For your convenience we offer the following payment methods:

- Credit / debit card
- Wire bank transfer


PayPal Logo


In case of a wire transfer, please transfer the total amount shown at checkout to:

Name of the beneficiary: Eb-őrző Kft

HUF transfers
IBAN: HU35 1173 8008 2145 4349 0000 0000
Swift code/ BIC: OTPVHUHB

EUR transfers:
IBAN: HU38 1176 3385 5569 5888 0000 0000
Swift code/ BIC: OTPVHUHB

Please include your order number in the transfer details.

We will confirm your payment for the order  as soon as price of your order shows up in our bank account.


NOTE: If, under any circumstances, you will not be able to finish your payment while placing the order, you may send us the money to our PayPal email address:  along with your order number.

In case of a PayPal manual payment please email us your PayPal transaction ID number as this type of payment must be checked separately and matched with the order manualy.

IF You have not been able to pay the order with credit / debit card Pleas contact to us : and we will allow it later if is possible.


- If a customer chooses to pay for an order via bank transfer, credit or debit card or PayPal, the order will be ready to be picked up after the money is transfered into our bank account.

- We accept the following cards: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro and MasterCard Electronic.

- Orders that are ready to be picked up will be waiting for the customer for up to seven days. Anytime after that, the order will be canceled.

Contact Us